Right Tracks for the Proper Search Engine Optimization

First, before you start, what is SEO? SEO or Search Engine Optimization is actually a set of techniques that can optimize the natural or organic SEO of a website on search engines . The objective here is to position or index the site in the search engines according to certain keywords corresponding to the main themes of the site in question. For example, for the Hawaii Tourist Board , it would be a good positioning on keywords such as "Hawaii tourism", "Hawaii trip", "Hawaii vacation", etc. as well as a multitude of variants and derivatives of these keywords directly related to the content of the site.

By natural or organic referencing, we mean the search results that are displayed naturally by the search engine after a request and not the sponsored links which is located most of the time on the right of the screen.

How to use SEO techniques can help your tourism business perform better?

Now that you know what SEO is all about, it's important to know how these optimization techniques can help your tourism business perform better according to your business goals. Indeed, what are the benefits of investing in SEO for your business? The options for the Search Engine Optimization Australia come perfect with Pixel Pro Designs now.

Knowing that 74% of Internet users use a search engine to find their stay online, we understand why the use of SEO techniques can help you generate leads and sales on your site or simply increase your notoriety or your brand image. According to a recent study by JupiterResearch and the NPD Group , 70% of Internet users would only consult the first page of search results . This percentage drops to 17% for the 2nd page of results, to 7% for the first 3 pages and only 8% for 3 pages and more. At a time when 50% of Internet users book their trip online , we now see the importance for our site to position itself in the first page of results on search engines for certain strategic keywords that we will have previously determined by an analysis of our site and those of the competitors.


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